Airshow Section

I've been always loving Air Shows since I was a small child,and dreamed one day to perform in them.I realized my dream and I do aerobatic exhibitions with the sailplane, usually with the Grob Twin-Acro.My exhibition is based on the music of Ennio Morricone "ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST", and I "dance" on the music rithym with the glider,trying to give emotions also with the big help of my exhibition smokes.

here are some pictures of me during Air Shows


The type of exhibition I make, being choreographed to music, has a big response with the ladies following the show......


The MAP'98 was one of the most important air show I've been taking part,being organized to celebrate the 75° anniversary of italian air force.

The official publication of the Aero Club Italia, that was organizing the air show reports an article written in the "Gazzetta di Parma" of the 21 September 98 about the MAP98:
"The official start is at 12, with the take off of the glider of Aldini.White,thin,it furrows the sky in hush.It doesn't have the overbearing outcry of people who wants the scene all for themselves.It makes dances in the slightly veiled blue with the grace of a bird.Then it seeds a white smoke: it is like if it opened a sipario ".